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What are the priorities for the Policing Service ? How are they decided?

The Policing Vision for 2025 sets out ten-year plans. It is how police use resources and keep communities safe.  

Chief Constables and Crime Commissioners set out their Force priorities. As a result of doing this, setting out a performance framework will ensure that targets are met and improvements may be required.

The main priorities of the police service are to reduce crime and protect the vulnerable.

Working in partnership with the community and other service providers will protect the rights of the victims. This will see an increase in community led policing and public satisfaction, because this is what every Force strives to achieve.

How each Force may differ? 

Each force will set out their own priorities. Force Priorities are decided upon by what matters to local people alongside other national requirements.

The Force Priorities set out by the Merseyside Police Crime Commissioner 2021 – 2025 Plan are as follows :  

  • Fighting crime; proactive policing 
  • Supporting victims; safer communities 
  • Driving change; prevent offending 

Police and Crime Plan: Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner (merseysidepcc.info) 


What our priorities are and how we are doing (northwales-pcc.gov.uk)

Police Mission Statement including Vision and Values

As each force sets out their priorities, they also set out a Policing Plans. Because of this each force will highlight what they want to achieve over a three year period and reviewed annually.

The Metropolitan Police Mission Statement is to keep London safe for everyone. By focusing on the following this is how they wish to achieve this statement of intent .

1. Focusing on what matters most to Londoners. 
2. Working more closely with partners and the public.

3. Achieve the best outcomes in the pursuit of justice and in the support of victims. 

By doing this, the Metropolitan Police want to lead 21st century policing by: 

4. Seizing the opportunities of data and digital technology. 
5. Care for each other, work as a team and be an attractive place to work.  
6. Learn from experience, from others, and constantly strive to improve.  
7. Be recognised as a responsible, exemplary and ethical organisation. 

Ultimately, the vision for the Met is to be the most trusted police service in the world and by having a policing plan that is interchangeable I am sure this can be achieved.

Source of Information see below.

Vision and values: what we want to achieve | Metropolitan Police 

Most Police Forces will have similar Policing Visions and Priorities.

These are protecting the public, bring offenders to justice, partnership working and supporting victims.

By having clear focus prioritising resources will become effective and efficient.

When preparing for your police interview review the force website – the Force Priorities and Mission Statements will show you what the priorities are and by doing this you will gain an understanding of their plans and objectives.

What are the future priorities facing the Police? 

Offences such as an increase in fraud, Serious and Organised Crime and cybercrime are concerns that need to be monitored and assessed. As a result Environmental Scanning will highlight any priorities police forces need to be made aware of.

Linking communities and the police will continue to form the bedrock of British policing. As a result Local policing will be tailored to society’s complex and diverse needs.

Why does policing need to change?  

Policing Priorities will need to change because of the increase of online activity as the threat from cybercrime grows. Because more people are now using computers they could fall victims of crime. Examples being fraud, data theft, grooming and exploitation of children, or stalking and harassment and domestic abuse.

By continuing to work in partnership, increasing availability of information and new technology, this offers huge potential to improve how the police service can protect the public.  

How will these changes affect the Policing workforce? 

As the nature of crime changes so must the skills required of the workforce. Because of this each Police Force needs to compete for the best people. As a result, robust recruitment will create a police service better equipped to deal with changing requirements. Having the right people in the right place with the right skills means police forces can detect crimes earlier. This will see an increase public confidence and satisfaction in the police. 

Policing Vision.pdf (npcc.police.uk) 

Maintaining a healthy workforce  

Maintaining a healthy workforce, priorities and standards will be much easier to achieve. Attracting the right people in recruitment and specialist roles will pay dividends for the police service. Every person employed by the police service must adhere to the New Codes of Ethic and its principles sets out the standards and behaviours.  Code of Ethics | College of Policing

NPCC priorities are to attract, recruit and retain people from diverse backgrounds. By doing so will increase public confidence and make for a diverse workforce. Everybody can have a voice – that’s not a bad thing is it!!   

The National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) 

How Careers In Blue can help  

Anybody considering a role in policing faces a highly competitive recruitment process. Whether it’s as a police officer or police staff we can help you with your preparation and interview.

To date, every client who works with us is successful! Our processes work, our clients feel confident and they get the job! This includes officers and police staff already in the Police service with any lateral moves.  

Give yourself that edge and join our ever expanding success stories, check out our services and see how we can help you achieve! Services