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Partnership Working why is it important? It is at the heart of everything the Police and Crime Commissioner does. No organisation can tackle the complex problems and also meet the significant community safety challenges each Police Force faces. 

The police service cannot deal with every incident on their own. They rely on partners to help and guide them by using their specialism and skills to solve problems.  

Ensuring the safety of the public, protecting local communities, and focusing on local issues underpins all that the police service wishes to achieve. By utilising partnership working this will hopefully be achieved.   

How can senior officers ensure police information sharing with partner agencies? 

Senior officers should ensure their forces have information sharing agreements (ISAs) with partner agencies. These ISAs must be regularly reviewed. Supervisors should monitor police information sharing to ensure that it complies with the ISA (information sharing agreements). 

Supervisors should also review requests from other agencies for information containing sensitive and personal details and ensure that it is proportionate and lawful to share the information.

What does it mean to be a public sector partner? 

To be a Public Sector worker goes beyond just working in teams and with colleagues. It also includes building good relationships with other public and third sector providers. As a result it reaches out to private organisations and working with our communities and customers. 

What is a Community Safety Partnership? 

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP’s) are made up of representatives from the responsible authorities that include the following agencies: 

  • Fire and Rescue Service  
  • Probation Services  
  • Local Authority 
  • Health – Clinical Commissioning groups (England) or Local Health Boards (Wales)
  • Police

The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 places a statutory duty on several responsible authorities to work in partnership. What is their main aim? Put simply it is to reduce crime and disorder before it becomes a serious problem.

The responsible authorities work together to protect their local communities from crime. Also to help people feel safer. However each Agency will discuss how to deal with local issues. Examples such as antisocial behaviour, drug or alcohol misuse and reoffending. A number of options will be discussed and the best long term solution will be prioritised.

Partnership working and multi-agency responses (college.police.uk) 

Why work in Collaboration? 

Why work in Collaboration? Working in collaboration is the key to problem solving. With the Police and Community working together proactively this will identify underlying problems. As a result can reduce crime at its roots by reassessing local crime priorities on a yearly basis. Developing community safety plans which are reviewed and discussed with partners and the local community

Demands on the police come from various sources. It is not defined by organisational and geographical boundaries. The Police service must work together with partners regardless of differing cultures, priorities, and needs. As a result this will ensure that each agency has a key role to play.   

It is critical to build and retain partners trust and confidence as this is a key part in which all agencies work together. As a result by working collaboratively the trust and confidence will grow.  

For more information visit the following websites and see how Partnership working is within the policing sector.


What is the importance of problem solving in policing? 

Firstly Problem solving focuses on preventing crime. Secondly as a result there are fewer incidents officers will respond to. This resulting in fewer crimes to investigate. However by using Problem-solving techniques the police are repeatedly called to deal with, this gives police officers a chance to do something about crime. As a result solves to identify areas that need developing. By which agency and who is responsible, This will enable the Police service to concentrate resources to more serious incidents.

What is the (O)SARA Model? 

What is the OSARA model and how can it assist you in your decision making ? The model is used when dealing with a problem-solving situation. This results in a rational method to systematically identify and analyse problems. Develop specific responses to individual problems and assess whether the response has been successful. (Weisburd et al 2008)  

The SARA model builds on Herman Goldstein’s Problem – Oriented Policing and developed and coined by John ECK and William SPELMAN (1987)  

The stages are as follows: 

  1. Objective: What do I want to achieve  
  1. Scan: Identifying and prioritising of potential crime and disorder problems. What are the risks?  
  1. Analyse: Gathering information and Intelligence to identify the cause of the problem.  
  1. Response: What can I do to improve the problem  
  1. Assessment: Measurement of the impact of the response.

Officers will use the OSARA model in their decision making in particular when dealing with Anti – Social Behaviour incidents.

By using partner agencies this will go someway to alleviate what is a community problem. The forefront of every agency is to keep the community safe.

Useful Websites to visit   

Working in Partnership with other agencies supports how the policing model has changed. Each organisation provides skills and knowledge to achieve a positive outcome.

Below are some useful websites regarding how Police Forces work in Partnership with other agencies.






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