Spring into Summer with Careers In Blue and kick start a healthier lifestyle!
The majority of us could do with being a little bit more healthy than we currently are. I certainly could. I decided this week to kick start my fitness and be out in the fresh air a bit more as spring changes to summer in June.

Realistic Target
It’s not about doing couch potato to 5km. it’s just setting yourself a few small targets to get a little bit fitter than you are at the moment. I used to go out running pretty regularly, but haven’t for about 10 years. This week, I decided to change that and I’ve been out running twice this week – not to beat any records and i stopped a few times and just walked, but I did feel better for doing it.
Challenge from Careers In Blue
So, the challenge from Careers In Blue, is to be a little bit fitter as we move into summer than you were in spring! if it’s out walking more, wiping the dust off your cycle helmet and getting out on your bike, going swimming or out for a run – let’s just do it!
We’re going to be checking in on our social media and letting you know what we’re up to, so join in and let us know what you’re doing too.
Fitness Test
For those of you going through the police recruitment process, or about to start it, fitness is important. We’re helping lots of people at the moment with our Modular Training Courses to help with the National Sift, Online Assessment and Career Discussions / Final Interviews. You’ll work really hard to get through the different tests and interview, make sure you don’t blow it at the fitness hurdle! You don’t have to be super fit – but you need to have a decent level of fitness. They’ll look at your BMI (Body Mass Index) too so if you’re concerned, start addressing it now!
Our Services
For help with Police Recruitment, check out our Services page via our website.