Application Form Checking


Buy this service, send us your application form by email to and we will get back to you ASAP but within 24 hours.

It’s so important to get this right - how many people do you think will apply? Many forces are inundated with applications and will sift applications with no feedback - make sure yours is the best you can submit! This may be the only time this year that your chosen force advertises for your desired entry level. It’s so important to ensure you get on the first rung of that police recruitment ladder – give yourself the optimum chance of success and use us to advise and guide you.

We offer the chance for you to have peace of mind that your application form is the best you can possibly submit and get you to that next stage of the Online Assessment Centre. We have direct experience of scoring application forms against the police Competency Value Framework (CVF) and providing feedback to successful or unsuccessful candidates.

We offer a quick turnaround, guaranteed of within 24 hours of receiving your submission.

For £49, whether it’s an online application or paper based, we will look it over for you. If you are asked any questions around experience you have or what motivates you to want to be a police officer, we will advise
• if your current answers are sufficient
• you need to add or evidence further any of your answers
• recheck it again for you before submission
• advise on current recruitment processes for your chosen force

Use us to give you that edge and start you off on your ‘Career In Blue’