What is the ‘Pathway to Success’ for a Potential Police Officer? At Careers In Blue, we’ve introduced our ‘Pathway to Success.’ This is the way you can increase your chances of passing police recruitment FIRST TIME.
It’s a number of different ways in which to prepare yourself for the tests you will face on your recruitment journey. It’s things to do to give yourself the best chance of passing EVERY stage of the police recruitment process.
How do I increase my chances of passing Police Officer Recruitment?
On average, you have a 15% chance of passing. Only 15 out of a hundred will be successful at the Final Interview stage. Some will fail after that at the fitness / medical / vetting stages.
How can you improve your chances? Follow our tips, even a couple will boost your chances significantly, and put yourself on the Pathway to Success….the more you do (and a lot are free) will boost your chances to 100%!
Our Pathway to Success
- Join our Mailing List – access our FREE services by emailing info@careersinblue.co.uk
- Find out as much as you can about the process – Invest in a copy of our Police Recruitment Start to Finish and read it! Police Recruitment Start to Finish Guide and Workbook – Careers in Blue
- Use our Weekly Recruitment Chat’s whenever your free – half an hour of our time, each week for free
- If you haven’t yet done the National Sift, do our Modular Training Course (£25 for an hours course) – increases your chances to 100% chance of passing it.
- Prepare for your Online Assessment Centre using our Workbook – practice your interview questions
- Attend our Modular Training Workshops (£25 for each of the 3 stages) to understand processes to help you with your written and briefing exercises and opportunity to check your interview answers
- When you pass, use your Police Recruitment Start to Finish Workbook to learn and prepare for your Structured Interview
- Attend our Interview Workshop which includes some questions to get you into the right frame of mind
- Have a Mock Interview – every client that’s had a mock interview has passed….
Book any of our Training Courses by the below link
Police Officer Recruitment – Careers in Blue
If you’re serious about joining the police as an officer, don’t leave things to chance, don’t ‘Wing It’ and hope for the best. Follow our Pathway to Success and you will significantly improve your chances of passing each stage – easily!